Sunday, January 11, 2009

The New Deal.

All of the new styles are evolving from the environment: From recycled shirts to bamboo socks, it is now cool to have something made out of something else. My friend Grace, owns the coolest pair of shoes made out of Bicycle tires! The even more awesome part about it is that that means that old is cool. So if it is hard to get the news styles all the time, wear old, and recycled. Make a shirt out of your shirt and another. Its not expensive to buy recycled stuff. From shirts to socks, u can have a style that will impress all, especially earth; so join the cause, and buy some clothes!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Current standings:

1. Just Dance 1,000 stars
Lady Gaga

2.Heartless 5 stars
Kayne West

3.Gives You Hell 0 stars
All American Rejects

4. Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It) 2 stars

5. Love Story 5 stars
Taylor Swift

6.Circus 3 stars
Brittney Spears

7. Hot & Cold 4 stars
Katy Perry

8. I'm Yours 1 star
Jason Mraz

9. Love Lockdown 5 stars
Kayne West

10. Womenizer 3 stars
Brittney Spears

Music of Choice


Every week i will be posting all 10 of the most popular songs on itunes. I will be doing this so that some people will find out what to buy on itunes. I am going to rating each song as well as you are. Please rate the songs, by posting a comment. Thank you.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

More movies

Marley & Me: Really good, but not suitable for children under the age of 12 or 13.
Summary: They get married and he gets her a dog. he is the worst dog in the world but in the end, they love him no matter what.

Get Smart: Hilariously funny. You will laugh until your gut explodes.
Summary: Max really wants to become a secret agent for the spy assosiation. he worked really really hard, and eventually became one. he works on a mission with agent 99 to solve it. it becomes a testimate of knowladge and perspective, in which he solves his mission.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Ok the movies are new or just relesed to On Demand.

Baby Mama:
Very good. Not really inaproprate. Very heartwarming, and funny
Summary: The Vice prez of a major health food company really wants to get pregnant. She trys every thing, but she just can't get pregnant. She turns to somebody to carry her baby. They become good friends. 


Hello People!!!!

Sorry i have not been posting at all, (not going to lie here) but i am back and will be posting weekly! It is all very exciteing i know...... the topic 4 this weeks post is...