Thursday, April 16, 2009

This week was the week of our science fair so i have been to busy 2 post this week. My science fair apparently went well because i took a peek at the grading sheet (shhhh) haha and i got the highest grade possible, but i was so frickin nervous i couldn't even think. I don't understand how i did so well if i was stuttering thru my words haha but I'm not complaining. There were really good projects, but also there were really sucky ones like this one that was about i don't even know. (i didn't understand anything he said at all.) haha. The red and white dance is 2morrow and i am super excited! I think my school is the only one that really gets into their dances cuz @ my friends skool dances r 4 losers haha. I guess were losers then cuz they r so fun!!! lol. This weekend i signed up for 2 b a model for an organization called kidz helping kidz and its going 2 b amazing!!!!!! except that we have to buy our own outfits haha! There r a ton of girlz that signed up and about 3 boys lol. its going to be amazing and ben + henry r probably really pissed they signed up cuz they have 2 go 2 this thing on sat! its going 2 b sooooooo funny! Can't w8!!!

On another note: Narrowly lost our lax game to Applewild :(
