Sunday, March 29, 2009

Im back from Quebec and 4 the nxt few days i am going 2 b extremely bored. My rents were really mad about my report card which i really didn't do that poorly on.... My avg was 89%... Is that really that bad???? Well they went through all these things that really didn't affect my grades at all. they said that WV made me distracted. which i guess it did a little.... but, in my defense i really did try hard, i just had other distractions.. skool is definatly the most important thing.. and i get that..
On another note... Finally, The song Right Round by Flo Rida is not #1 anymore!! Thank GOD!!! I hate that song sooo much and i was kinda getting sick of seeing it all the time.. Thank the song poker face by Lady Gaga 4 that feat! Ok i HAve to Go so see all fay ppl on Tuesday!!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Heyyy I'm in Quebec and i have been 2 many places in my visit here. We have been to many different museums, restaurants, and shops that have eighther been amazing or not so great... Already i have had my hotel room down Graded because of cons ruction which is disappointing.... well at least we can still stay in the hotel. it is a 4 star hotel in Quebec city, Quebec. I have noticed that everything is very inexpensive here.. like many designer brands are much less expensive here than in the U.S. Its amazing how little English people here speak. They all speak English which is a big help, but with a heavy accent. There are barely any shows that are in english and i have noticed that everything that is an american show is voiced over in french and the dialaque is very different from regular french. Quebec is very fun though, and there are many things to do. however the only restaurant that was good was a small place on one of the main streets. the food was very good.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

heyy Everybody!!!! I have never had such a birthday..... I went 2 my 1 of my best friends batmitzvahs and had a really good time!!!!! So excited 4 2night cuz i am with my friend and r going 2 have a pizza paaaarrrrrttttttyyyyyy!!!!!! Ohh yea!! its going to b amazing and im totally excited 2 see wat i got 4 my birthday!!!! As it turns out we r not going 2 b going 2 Ny after all as our not so origanal plan... (we wer going 2 go 2 Quebec, then the plan was NH then the plan was ny and now were back 2 our origanal plan!!! YAY! So excited!!! anyways then batmitzvah was amazing!!! having a brunch is sooo much better than a dance party.. and soooo much more origanal!!!! The food was great!!! And cake 4 breakfast was a ttyl

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The World of TXTS and wat parents just dont understand

Ok i have been making a list of all of the txt phrases that we adolescence use every day in our comunication.
1. txt: text message
2. OMG: Oh my god
3. g2g: got to go
4. brb:Be right back
5. b4: before
6. nm:Never mind
7. ttyl: talk to u later
8 l8r g8r: later gater
9. lol: laugh out loud
10. wtf: what the....guess what comes after that... lol

Parent just dont understand that txting is our 2nd language in this day in age.. its just come naturally 2 us. we all have our pet peevs and i am assuming that my mom has the 1 that makes her reallty annoyed wen i email her in txting form. let me tell u 1 thing though. nevere make the mistake of talking in txts expessally to an adult. Its just not their nature 21 understand.... Just b mindful lol


The New Facebook

Apperently, there is a new facebook out there.. and its not the one that everybodys complaining about on their pg... Its a new website and its called Twitter and its totally a copier. Its basicly like a blog but its alittle different.. U make a staus and ppl follow u like on a blog. Its just another social networking site, and its not making many hapopy. facebook s cool because generally u kno the person u r contacting, and u are allowed to reclian ppl as friends. Followers r like on a blog. Generly u have no consent wheither or not they r following u. It can b a bad thing and a good 1. If u have a ? then many ppl will respond and give 1. On my 2 do list though.. FACEBOOK is still #1. Twitter is not a good website on my terms and i would not recomentd getting 1. GO Facebook!!!! BOOO Twitter!!!

Not much going on....

Heyyy ppl!!! On Saturday it will b my B-day!!!! Lax season is coming up and i am super pumped!!! Can't w8 2 gewt back 2 a feild sport again.. Vollyball is fun but there is nothing like freash air and the smell of grass.. not 2 mention spring... Soccer in the fall was amazing although i am kinda skeptical of the coach.. i always feel gross whewn i play vollyball, c9uz sports that r inside do that 2 me. They make me feel al discusting, like i haven't taken a shower in 3 days... though i have. Lax last year started out kinda bad.. mostly cuz i hadn't evr played b4. But when life gives you lemons make lemonade.. right? In the end it was 1 of my favorite sports... Miss all my friends right now, cuz of vacation.... Can't w8 2 get back in school which is strange.. well.. never thought i'd say that... See Ya!

Forcast Of Blues

Today i am Not really in the mood 4 doing anything that involves walking around... Unless the mall is an option.. In fact i am stuck at Bracket house and am kinda extremely bored... well, on the bright side.. ONLY 4 MORE HOURS 2 GO!!!!!!! This is kinda a drag. headed 2 Alev's House l8r, which is somthing 2 look forward 2 but i have 2 sit here 4 al0ong time b4 i do, andf then i have 2 watch my mom get her hair cutr.. BORING!!!!! Hopfully the line wil b short.. Heyy maybe i can get my haircut 2!!!!! I kinda need it cuz my hair is getting kinda long. well on another note... i am going 2 b taking babysitting courses this april and a reffing course so i am excited and will hopfully b making some $$! That would b awesome.

Monday, March 16, 2009

hey can u belive that this is a cake???? i want that 4 my birthday.. well maybe not that type...
On That NOte:
MY birthday is on Saturday!!!
I am on Vacation... though it is not exactly the best evr...
watching a movie!!

Just an Average Julia Day

The day was definitely not the best i had in my life... although I'm sure that the rest of school had the best day of there lives.. right now it is vacation, and i am pretty sure that i am the only person in the world that has almost nothing 2 do over break.... everybody seems 2 be on all of these extravagant vacations and i am stuck at home with my grandparents. i am hearing all this talk of oh i am ONLY going 2 Florida, or its just a CRUISE AROUND THE WORLD... and then all i say is, I'm staying home and maybe just maybe get to go to the movies or something like that... Ooh EXCITING!! Well at least i am going somewhere... maybe not to Hawaii though... lol